What is a CSA?
Community supported agriculture, CSA for short, is a way for people to support their local farm,
by purchasing a share of the season's harvest before the start of the growing season.
We grow our vegetables all natural, spray free, no-till.
Here are some weekly vegetable shares from the previous season to give you an idea of what to expect. These are small shares pictured here, the large shares will receive roughly double the volume.
Our registrations for the 2024 Season are now open!
Small shares cost $385 for 15 weeks
Large shares cost $600 for 15 weeks
Thank you to all who support local agriculture.
Community supported agriculture, CSA for short, is a way for people to support their local farm,
by purchasing a share of the season's harvest before the start of the growing season.
We grow our vegetables all natural, spray free, no-till.
Here are some weekly vegetable shares from the previous season to give you an idea of what to expect. These are small shares pictured here, the large shares will receive roughly double the volume.
Our registrations for the 2024 Season are now open!
Small shares cost $385 for 15 weeks
Large shares cost $600 for 15 weeks
Thank you to all who support local agriculture.
Purchasing a share means, you receive weekly what is available on the farm throughout the season for 15 weeks from mid-June until the end of September
It's also a really great way of creating a sense of involvement and community in regards to food.
A weekly newsletter for all of our CSA customers will be sent that will share news from the farm, and also our family's favorite recipes to make with all of the produce.
These shares include a variety of greens, root crops, fruiting vegetables and fresh herbs.
Sign up for our newsletter to have access to our late fall, winter, and spring offerings!
It's also a really great way of creating a sense of involvement and community in regards to food.
A weekly newsletter for all of our CSA customers will be sent that will share news from the farm, and also our family's favorite recipes to make with all of the produce.
These shares include a variety of greens, root crops, fruiting vegetables and fresh herbs.
Sign up for our newsletter to have access to our late fall, winter, and spring offerings!
Examples of previous years
2023 CSA (small share)
2022 CSA (small share)